Click below to listen to my new Podcast recorded with Nigel Best from ‘How to raise money’.

Paul Hilliard Operations Director of LNPG Landlords Network Purchasing Group speaks about attending the Tax Course on 29th and 30th Sept 2020 - Great feedback, a pleasure working with you Paul!
Click below to listen to my new Podcast recorded with Nigel Best from ‘How to raise money’.
Click below to listen to my new Podcast recorded with Nigel Best from ‘How to raise money’.
PODCAST HERE - S24 the Time Bomb!
A training day with Portsmouth District Private Landlord Association.
Martin Silman October 5th 2019
Chairman of Portsmouth & District Private Landlord Association
“The PDPLA ran 3 of Sue’s courses this year, one focussed on CGT and two on general taxation for landlords – all of the courses were completely sold out and we have members asking us to rerun them already.
Sue is the perfect trainer – an experienced landlord who understands her subject and who has many years experience as a teacher, she steps everyone through the most complex calculations that even the most ‘maths averse’ can understand and follow.
Yet even our most ‘tax aware’ members came away having learnt something - we needed to update some of our web based tax tools as Sue explained nuances of the tax system that we had never picked up from the many ‘experts’ we have had present to us in the past.
Most ‘experts’ will have their ‘angle’ or pet solution or standard approach – the real benefit of one of Sue’s courses is that she outlines all of the options and talks about the strengths and weaknesses of each, rather than trying to sell one solution as so many do – this is proper education, it gives you the skills to make the decisions you need to make for your business.”
Personal attention to explain detail and calculations
Great day working with a London investor group
Amazing value for money !
I attended the tax course yesterday. Lots of information to go away and digest further, this is a complicated area of change for the future and anyone with a second property or intending on going down that route I implore you to seek the info on this course .
It could save you literally thousands in getting the correct structure for your business.
Don't blindly trust your accountant to 'know what they are doing' (though you are highly likely to be needing one!)...but ultimately you are accountable so have a working knowledge/awareness.
This course gave the tools to be able to do that. Along with much, much more.
I will be re-sitting this once a year I think, to keep up to speed and get a better understanding.
Thank you Sue, it was like a leg wax; painful but essential, made easier with distraction of humour and will get less painful the more I do it.
Michelle O'Connell August 16th 2018 Crawley Landlord
I enjoy working and supporting landlords as we face the issues around S24